The medical record is not the forum for blame, personal attacks, or finger pointing.1 Text messages relating to patient care should be considered part of the medical record (whether they are transferred to it or not), and the same rule about appropriateness of forum should apply. If something about patient care is important enough to be texted, it should be included in the medical record. If it is something that does not belong in the medical record, then it should not be texted. It seems clear that the members of the healthcare team texting each other in the following case study did not expect their text messages to be used against them in the malpractice lawsuit.
Issue: Unprofessional text messages complicated the defense of the malpractice claim.
A complication occurred during surgery that resulted in the patient’s death. Two of the physicians on the surgical team carried on a lengthy text message conversation following the patient’s death. The text messages included:
The text messages about hospital administrators included: “They are a bunch of bloodsuckers,” and “They are so STUPID!” One physician referred to the hospital as “a s**t show.”
Although the text messages were extensive, the medical record documentation was sparse. The combination of the lack of documentation that could have contributed to standard of care and lack of causation defenses, and the dangerous texts significantly diminished the defensibility of this claim.
Consider the following risk management strategies:2
More Information About Texting in Healthcare
1. Dominique A. Pollara. “What to Do When Things Go Bad: A Perspective from Defense Counsel.” International Anesthesiology Clinics. 2020; 58(1): 56-58.
2. “Text Messaging in the Workplace – Think Before You Send.” Hinkle Law Firm. 5/19/2020.