Adolescent privacy laws vary in significant ways from state to state and may conflict with federal laws.1 In addition to minor consent laws, clinicians treating adolescent patients should be familiar with state and federal medical information privacy laws as they relate to adolescent healthcare and should develop clear policies and protocols for appropriately protecting this confidential information.
A full discussion of the interplay between federal and state privacy laws concerning the treatment of adolescents is beyond the scope of this article. Online information is available from various sources, for example:
Every practice should have policies and procedures associated with adolescent privacy, and every person in the practice should understand them and apply them consistently. When a child reaches adolescence, or when the practice accepts a new adolescent patient, it is important to educate the parent and patient about the practice’s medical information privacy policies and procedures, including the limits to confidentiality; for example, that confidentiality may be intentionally breached if the adolescent poses a threat to themself or others, and that billing policies, medical records, and appointment notification can inadvertently compromise confidentiality.2
Sending patients and parents a letter describing the practice’s adolescent patient confidentiality policy can set expectations prior to the patient’s first appointment as an adolescent. This information may be included in one letter, or the practice may choose to send separate letters. The letters can also be posted on the practice website, provided to the parent/patient again following the appointment and provided as handouts in the waiting room. The letter should validate the parents' role in their adolescent’s healthcare decision-making, but also outline the clinician’s role in fostering increasing patient autonomy in healthcare decision-making in preparation for adulthood.2 Consider including the following issues in a patient/parent informational letter and reiterating these points in personal discussions with the parent and patient:2,3,4
When discussing confidentiality with adolescent patients, consider including the following points:2,3,4
More Information About Adolescent Consent and PrivacyThe following resources provide information about additional areas of adolescent treatment that practices often find challenging relative to the consent process:
1. Richard C. Boldt. “Adolescent Decision Making: Legal Issues with Respect to Treatment for Substance Misuse and Mental Illness.” Journal of Health Care Law and Policy, 2012 75-115. Citing 42 USC 290dd-2(b)(2) and 42 C.F.R. §§ 2.1-2.67.
2. Melissa Weddle, et. al. “Confidentiality and Consent in Adolescent Substance Abuse: An Update.” , 2005. 7(3).
3. Jean Someshwar. “Adolescent Confidentiality: Where Are the Boundaries?” Pediatrics Consultant Live, 2009.
4. The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Confidentiality Protections for Adolescents and Young Adults in the Health Care Billing and Insurance Claims Process.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 2016;58:374-377.