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Access to ProAssurance Online Education

Physicians should take the following steps to access and complete the online education to receive CME credit:

  • Go to or
  • Click on Sign In at the top of the page.
  • Sign in with your username (email address) and password.
    • You may receive a request for a verification code by text, email, or call for multi-factor authentication.
  • Once signed in, look for the drop down at the top left of the screen labeled “Risk Management.” From there, select “Online Seminars.”
  • Once on the selected seminar page (Physician Online Seminars, Practice Administrator Online Seminar, or Claims Rx), click “Take Physician Online Seminars,” or “Take Practice Administrator Online Seminars,or “Take Ob-Gyn Online Seminars,” or “Take DentistCare Seminars.
  • You are now in the seminar library and can select your desired course.
  • Scroll down the page to see all the available course titles and click on the green “Enroll Now” button for the course you wish to take.
  • Click on “Start Course” and then complete each step or video in the seminar.
  • Complete the posttest with a score of at least 75% (you will have up to three attempts).
  • Once you pass the posttest, complete the “Final Evaluation” to receive your CME certificate (or certificate of completion for non-CME courses). You will then receive an email from with directions on how to access your certificate.

For assistance with creating an account, signing in, or accessing the seminars, please contact Portal Support at 205-439-7956 or For questions about seminar content or completing steps in a seminar, contact the Risk Management department at 844-223-9648 x1 or

*To create an account:

  • Select “Sign In” in the top left of the home page.
  • On the next screen, scroll down to select Register Your Account for Online Access.
  • Choose between Insured (for Insureds or their authorized representative) or Agent (Only for an insurance agent or broker).
  • If you select “Insured,” please verify your user type and enter the information as requested.
  • Select “Continue” and verify your information.
  • You will receive an email from OKTA to set up your password and MFA.
  • If your account is not automatically verified, our Portal Support team will reach out to you via email for additional information.

Additional Information:

Previews of courses are available at, and Claims Rx articles can be read at You must sign into the Secure Services Portal to receive CME credit for a seminar or Claims Rx